BridgeNet Staff

Trusted Advisors to Over 100 Businesses
in Covington, Mandeville, Slidell and New Orleans

BridgeNet was formed in 2008 with a vision to be the area’s leading, customer focused, community involved expert technology consultants.  We provide IT services to clients in the New Orleans metro area and beyond.

The BridgeNet Family

Our customer focused, community involved expert technology consultants.

Bo Jakins

Dominique Coleman Systems Consultant / Phoenix Area Manager

Mike Tracy
Sr Systems Consultant

Shane Hodgson
Service Desk Manager

John Hunley
Systems Consultant

Julian Gil
Help Desk Consultant

Ashley Jakins
Marketing Coordinator

Clay Wager
Systems Consultant

Jake Saurage
Help Desk Consultant

Richard Clark
Systems Consultant

Brooke Jakins Director of Marketing

Sara Stoltz
Account Admin

Bo Jakins

Ashley Jakins
Marketing Coordinator

Dominique Coleman
Systems Consultant

Julian Gil
Help Desk Consultant

Sara Stoltz
Account Admin

Mike Tracy Sr Systems Consultant

Shane Hodgson
Service Desk Manager

Richard Clark
Systems Consultant

John Hunley
Systems Consultant

Clay Wager
Systems Consultant

Brooke Jakins Director of Marketing

Jake Saurage
Help Desk Consultant